MobileDetect Drug Test Pouches

MobileDetect Kits are MUCH SAFER than old pouch kits. With MobileDetect, you don’t have to scoop samples and expose yourself to harmful substances.

Easy FREE APP Helps Simplify Your Tests

Report: using the FREE APP, it creates a nice report with each test. Add notes and pictures to the report, then print out, save and email.

MDT – Our Multi-Drug Test can test for 5 drugs in one test (cocaine, meth, heroin, fentanyl and ecstasy.)

MD-MDT Multi Drug Pouch (qty. 10) ……………………….……..$34.90

MD-DCT Hemp/CBD-THC Differentiator Test (qty. 10) ……$39.90

MD-DGS General Screening Drug Pouch (qty. 10) ………….$24.90

MD-DTH THC Test Pouch (qty. 10) …………………………………$24.90

MD-DCO Cocaine Pouch (qty. 10) ………………………………….$24.95

MD-DHE Heroin Pouch (qty. 10) ……………………………………$24.95

MD-DME Meth/MDMA Pouch (qty. 10) ………………………….$24.95

MD-DSO Special Opiates Pouch (qty. 10) ………………………$24.95

MD-DSY Synthetics Pouch (qty. 10) ……………………………….$24.95

MD-DGH GHB Pouch (qty. 10) ……………………………………….$24.95

MD-DKE Ketamine Pouch (qty. 10) ………………………………..$24.95

MD-DSL LSD Pouch (qty. 10) ………………………………………….$24.95

MD-DPC PCP Pouch (qty. 10) …………………………………………$24.95

MD-DMU Mushrooms Pouch (qty. 10) …………………………..$24.95

MD-EGL Gunshot Residue Pouch (qty. 10) ……………….…….$24.90

MD-FYL Fentanyl Test Strips (qty. 10) ……………………………..$34.90


• Automated colorimetric technology

• Handheld field test

• No calibration

• Broad range detection


• Removable swap for acquiring sample or particulate

• Non-visible (trace) and Bulk


• Sensitive detection down to the low nanograms

• Instant analysis and detection


• Simple pouch operation: 3 steps: swab, crush, view results

• Sealed system

• Easy to use

• Notes, additional pictures, test details, timestamps, GPS location and map, and more